Public Speaking

Course Description

This course is designed to improve women's public speaking skills and boost their confidence. It addresses common challenges faced by women speakers and uses their unique qualities to their advantage. Starting with students who may feel nervous and inexperienced, the course aims to bring significant improvement by the end of the semester.

In the first 6 weeks, students will learn key physical aspects of speaking, like posture, hand movements, using pauses, speaking loudly enough, and making eye contact. These skills are important to feel confident and authoritative when speaking in public.

From week 7 to 11, the focus shifts to creating engaging speech content. This includes speeches on current topics and personal stories, highlighting how women's experiences can make their speeches more impactful and relatable to the audience. We learn from famous YouTubers who need to grab then keep their audience’s attention. 

In the final weeks, 12 to 15, students will learn how to use tools like PowerPoint to make their speeches more interesting with visual aids. 

By the course's end, students will be more skilled in public speaking and ready for roles involving customer interaction. They will also improve their English, useful for those considering studying abroad. This course is ideal for anyone wanting to enhance their public speaking skills for personal and professional success. 


Introduction to Public Speaking

Students will learn about the fundamentals of public speaking and discover what elements contribute to a successful public speech. They'll also explore and analyse examples of effective public speeches.

Body: Posture, Hand Position

In this class, students will focus on the importance of posture and hand position in public speaking, learning how to use these aspects to enhance their presentations.

Body: Gestures, Pauses

This session will teach students how to effectively incorporate gestures and strategic pauses into their speeches for greater impact.

[ON-DEMAND CLASS] Memorising Speeches

Students will learn techniques for memorising speeches, enabling them to deliver presentations without the need for notes or a script.

Body: Voice Delivery, Eye Contact

The class will focus on improving voice delivery and establishing eye contact, crucial skills for engaging with the audience.

PRESENTATION 1 (Body - 20% of Final Grade)

Dealing with pressure when speaking. 


(1) Prepare a 60-120 second speech using what you learned in weeks 1 to 5. You can speak about anything you like.

(2) Submit your title on Manaba.

(3) Present your speech in front of the class. Focus on using your body effectively, including posture, hand position, gestures, pauses, voice projection, and eye contact.

Content: Using Stories, Phrasing

Practice: Be a tour guide for foreign guests.

This week's focus is on the art of storytelling and phrasing within speeches to captivate and maintain audience interest.

[ON-DEMAND CLASS] Content: Make the Audience Care, Use Speaking Words

Students will learn how to craft speeches that resonate with their audience and the importance of using clear, compelling language.

Content: Introduction

The session will cover how to create compelling introductions for speeches and practice delivering them. 

We learn from YouTubers how to hook your audience early and make them want to hear the rest of your speech. 

Content: Main Speech, Conclusion

Students will explore how to research and structure the main content of their speeches and craft effective conclusions. 

We learn from YouTubers how to maintain the interest of the audience for the whole speech.  

PRESENTATION 2 (Content - 30% of Final Grade)


(1) Prepare a 60-120 second speech using what you learned in weeks 7 to 10. You can speak about anything you like.

(2) Submit your title on Manaba. 

(3) Present your speech in front of the class. Focus on content.

[ON-DEMAND CLASS] Presentation Software: Design Principles

This session will introduce students to the principles of effective presentation software  design.

Presentation Software: Adding Content

Students will learn how to add various types of multimedia content to their presentations such as graphics, images, audio, video, and animations. 

We also learn how to respect the source and copyright of this multimedia. 

Presentation Software: Delivery

The class will cover how to effectively deliver a speech alongside presentation software. 

We learn the importance of practice and timing (including keeping within the time limit). 

This is followed by practice of Presentation 3 in front of the class by all students. 


[***ON-DEMAND CLASS] PRESENTATION 3 (Slide Presentations - 30% of Final Grade)

(1) Prepare a slide presentation using what you learned in weeks 12 to 14. It can be about anything you like.

(2) Check your presentation for spelling and grammar errors. Make sure it follows good design principles (week 12) and you have added content appropriately (week 13). DO NOT add audio, video, or other media in your slides because of file size and security limits on Manaba. 

(2) Submit your PPTX (PowerPoint) or PDF file on Manaba. 

*** If you wish to practice your presentation delivery, you can volunteer to present in class during week 14 or at I-Space. Please note that there is a maximum time limit of 5 minutes for each presentation.