Archive (news)


Collaborative research: Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo. ‘Research on the Construction of Jomon People's iPS Cells and Their Applications’, KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) 21H04779. 1 September, 2023 to 31 March 2024. Principal Investigator: Professor Hiroki Ota

Article published:  ‘Creative Belongings Beyond Japan: Rethinking Belonging Using Novels by Nikkei Authors’ in Gengo Bunka Kenkyu, No. 11, pp. 23-44 (March)

Paper presented:  “Queer Masculinity in the Transpacific: Guilt, Shame, and Desire in Cory Taylor's My Beautiful Enemy” at the Association for Asian Studies 2023 Annual Conference on 18 March 2023 in Boston at the Hynes Convention Center / Boston Sheraton Hotel.

Position changed: Associate Professor, Faculty of International Languages & Cultures, Department of English Language and Literature. 


2022 Kyoto Notre Dame University Public Lecture “Creative Belongings Beyond Japan” held on 1 October 2022 with author Keiichiro Hirano the other speaker. 

Research featured on JSPS Researchers Network

Book chapter published on popular fiction in Japan in the Handbook of Japanese Media and Popular Culture in Transition. It is only available in print in Japan right now but it will be available as an ebook and in print worldwide by the end of the summer.


Funding awarded: JSPS Grant-in-aid for Early Career Scientific Research. Kyoto Notre Dame University. 3.6 million yen direct funds, 1.08 million yen indirect funds. KAKENHI 21K12957. Nikkei Global Literature: Diaspora, Race, Identity & Belonging. 


Article published: ‘Translingual Triangulation: Code-switching, Translation, and Silence in Contemporary Canadian Nikkei Novels’ in 30th Anniversary Issue of  Asian American Literature Association Journal, (April), pp. 64-81


Commentator with Prof. Akio Tanabe (Tokyo Uni) at a symposium organised by Prof. Yasuko Takezawa (Kyoto Uni) at Kyoto University on 16 November, 2019. 

Presented a paper 'Translingual Triangulation: Code-switching, Translation, and Silence in Contemporary Canadian Nikkei Novels' on 29 September at Kobe University as an invited speaker for the 30th Anniversary International Forum of the Asian American Literature Association in Japan. 

Lectured on 6/7 Aug at Kobe University on 'Socio-Cultural Perspectives on the Humanities' as a guest lecturer on Professor Hideyuki Yamamoto's 'Summer English Lectures in Humanities' course. 

Article published:  ‘Contesting Canada’s Narrative of Nation through Canadian Nikkei Children’s Literature’. ZINBUN, No. 49 (14 March), pp.31-56 

Discussant at The 14th Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture: “Passport regulations and the cross-border mobility in the Japanese empire” by Dr. Takahiro Yamamoto on 28 March, 2019 at Kyoto University.

Presented a paper "The Blossoming of Nikkei Australian Literature" on 25 March, 2019 at the Kyoto University Tokyo Office as part of the Open Seminar "Japanese Diaspora Literature and Memory of War - From the Cases of the USA and Australia". Link

Research featured on Kyoto University website (English) 

Collaborative research: JSPS KAKENHI Researcher (part-time, contract). Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University. ‘Integrated Research into the Processes and Mechanisms of Racialization’ KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) 16H06320. 1 February, 2019 to 31 March 2023. Principal Investigator: Professor Yasuko Takezawa

Tutor: College of Liberal Arts, Ritsumeikan University. ‘Cultural Studies in Global Asia’. 26 September, 2019 to 20 January, 2020.


Lectured on 4 November, 2018 to members of the Genius Table. 

Research featured on Kyoto University website (Japanese) 

Presented paper 'Japanese Australian Cultural Memory and Belonging in Masako Fukui’s "When Blossoms Fall"' on 29 July at the Uzumasa Campus of Kyotogakuen University as an invited speaker for the 134th meeting of the Asian American Literature Association in Japan. 

Article published:   ‘'The Ambivalent Model Minority: Japanese-Canadians and Canadian Multiculturalism’. The Journal of Multicultural Society, 9:1 (31 July, 2018), pp. 1-29.

Lectured on 10 Aug at Kobe University on 'Japaneseness in the Transpacific Space' as a guest lecturer on Professor Hideyuki Yamamoto's 'Summer English Lectures in Humanities' course. 


Article published:   ‘Rooted-transnationalism and the Representational Function of Food in Hiromi Goto’s Chorus of Mushrooms’. Contemporary Japan, 29:2 (7 July, 2017), pp. 132-147. 

Interview published:   Lyle De Souza was interviewed for JSPS Quarterly (PDF) spring 2017, number 59. 

KAKENHI report published: