Introductions and Conclusions; Revising Style

Introductions and Conclusions; Revising Style

Introductions and Conclusions

Revising Style

Specific Tips for Literature Students

By mastering the art of crafting compelling introductions and conclusions, and by honing your writing style to achieve clarity, coherence, and elegance, you can elevate your literary analysis and produce impactful and engaging scholarship.


In my essay exploring Klara's narrative voice in Klara and the Sun, I'd craft an Introduction that immediately piques the reader's interest. Perhaps I'd open with a poignant quote from Klara, where she reflects on the nature of the human heart, setting the stage for my analysis of her unique perspective. I'd then establish the context of Ishiguro's novel and its engagement with themes of artificial intelligence and human connection, leading to my central claim about how Klara's voice functions in the narrative. For the Conclusion, I'd reiterate this claim and summarise the key evidence supporting it, drawing connections between Klara's observations and Ishiguro's broader exploration of what it means to be human. Throughout the essay, I'd strive for a clear and elegant style, using precise language to dissect Klara's language and thought processes. While maintaining a formal tone, I'd also allow my own voice to emerge, demonstrating my engagement with the text and offering original insights into its nuances.

Preparation Activity: Introductions and Conclusions; Revising Style

Reading: Chapter 14 - Introductions and Conclusions; Chapter 15 - Revising Style



Class Outline: Introductions and Conclusions; Revising Style



Reading for Next Week: 

Chapter 9: Acknowledgements and Responses