Rich Japan, Poor Japan
Who are Japan's Rich?
Your task is to investigate the lives of Japan's super-rich. We're talking about famous investors, business moguls, superstar celebrities, and more! Here's what to do:
Choose Your Target: Pick a wealthy person in Japan that interests you.
Dig for the Details: Use the internet or other sources to find out:
Who are they? What's their story?
How much money do they really have?
What kind of business or career are they in?
What's their education like?
Do they have any particular hobbies or cultural tastes?
Spot the Patterns: As you research different wealthy people, start looking for similarities. Do they tend to be a certain age or gender? Do their backgrounds or interests overlap?
Be ready to share your discoveries in the next class!
Rich Japan, Poor Japan
Where is the 'hidden' poverty in Japan?
Investigate the people most affected by poverty in Japan. Who are they? Think about the elderly, single mothers, and the working poor. Find out how much money they typically have. Do you notice any patterns in their backgrounds (e.g., age, gender, education, jobs)?
Why is it Hidden? Consider why poverty in Japan is often less visible.
Solving the Problem: How can we change attitudes toward poverty? How can we make people understand it's a widespread issue and encourage them to help?
Media: Watch relevant videos on the course YouTube playlist for real-world examples.
Be ready to share your discoveries in the next class!